Sunday, September 5, 2010

Unfair and Ugly!

In this year's Brand Equity Top 10 brands survey I was shocked to find Fair&Lovely ranked as the the 9th or 10th brand!Here's a product that should be banned but instead we are celebrating it? Kudos to Hindustan lever, Cavin Kare, Dabur, etc who are all raking in big bucks by promoting apartheid.Fair and Lovely, Fair and Handsome (now for men too!), fairever, is this fair? Thanks (actually no thanks)to the battery of advertising by all these illustrious companies, women/men with dark complexions live their lives lamenting their fate and of course desperately buying these predatory products in a bid to "survive". I wonder if the people who create these products and their great friends in advertising who create the "fair is beautiful" messages so convincingly ever pause to wonder the damage on the pysche of people who can never turn fair even if they bathed in these products all their lives? Isnt this irresponsible? (although I was part of this industry for almost 15 long years)Increasingly I am beginning to detest advertising for its misleading and exaggerated messages.
This message of "fair is beautiful" gets into every sphere of life - of course we are all familiar of the "wanted tall, fair, beautiful" matrimonial ads. But what worries me is the concern that the same standards may get applied in interviews, promotions and even friendships? The conditioning of our society on the "white man's" skin legacy continues.
Thank you Hindustan Lever, Cavin Kare, Dabur and your competitors for ensuring this!