Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Precaution is better than cure that goes for everything

I am appalled by the sight of little school kids stuffed in autos perilously perched in the morning and evening rush hour!In my corporate training sessions, we talk about how many of us become spectators in our lives and watch things happen. I decided that I will at least write about this hideous practice. Not just stuffed autos, but over loaded school bags that our little angels have to lug to school.

How can parents expose their children to such a grave risk? How can school authorities turn a blind eye? I am not sure if I can ask the auto driver or the traffic constable if they have a conscience - it may be too much of an ask - so I wont.But coming back to Parents - if this all you care about your own children, I dread to think of the care and concern these folks display in other areas of their lives - to their colleagues, to their customers, neighbours....

And every now and then, we wait for tragedy to strike and for the media to make a spectacle of it to get eyeballs and after a commercial break things get back to the way they used to be!

Here's someone who decided enough is enough...

JALANDHAR NEWS: 4 Schoolkids An Auto From March 20
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The traffi c s taffs are i n to uc h wi th s c ho o l m anagem ents and p arents , newly ap p o i nted As s i s tant Com m i s s i oner of Pol i ce (Tra f f i c) Di l ji n der Si n gh Dhi l l on sa i d on Sa tu rda y .
An aw areness camp aign h as b een lau nch ed in th e ru n-u p to th e March 20 deadline, af ter w h ich vio lato rs w ill f ace ch allans, h e said.
Smo k ing, u se o f mo b ile p h o nes du ring driving, ju mp ing red ligh ts, u se o f red b eaco ns w ith o u t p¬ermissio n w ill invite actio n.
Tw o -w h eeler riders h ave b een ask ed to u se h elmets carrying an ISI trademark , a no rm th at w ill also invite a ch allan if vio lated.

Can we have more such leaders like Dijinder Singh in our midst?

One would imagine that at least when it comes to our children, they would tug at our hearts to bring out the best in us....but when I look at the next over stuffed, dangerously moving auto I am not so sure....we have become hardened, indifferent money making machines.

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