Sunday, November 7, 2010

New vocabulary for the flat organization

Just today I was sharing with a colleague that the "old school" vocabulary from the command and control era is no longer valid in today's flat organizational setting!People are no longer "human resources" to be exploited in a hierarchy. Superiors (guess the opposite of this word!) no longer tell "sub-ordinates" what to do."Employees" are not beholden to their "Employers"!"Staff" no longer need to be "managed".The "Boss" has retired!

Here's the new vocabulary - Human Capital! People! Talent! Strengths! What's your idea? Reverse mentoring!Do you have any feedback on my style of leadership? 360 feedback.Does the manager inspire his/her team members? Senior talent is "interviewed" by the team members who decide whether the prospective manager is the right person for them!Do you really need me in this meeting - I dont see the need tells the team member.Skip level meetings, flexible working,tell me what needs to be done and get out of the way.

Training is out. Learning is in. The more "senior" you are, the more "unlearning" to be done.

There's a new work ethic out there - respect is earned, not given. Leadership walks the talk - seniority minus capability is seen through. Information is free in a Google world. IQ is a given - EQ is the differentiator.Choice rules.

The enterprise that understands and internalizes this new vocabulary will win the battle for Talent - the only competitive advantage still available!! Welcome to Liberation Leadership.


  1. Nice. Like the new approach. I guess it takes a lot of courage to get out of the way!

  2. Wow, Naresh! That's quite a bit in the small blog post that you have created. Liked the bit about more senior one is the more 'unlearning'one needs to do....

  3. Super!!

    In India, IT , Finance and such businesses have changed a lot. Manufacturing Industry.....still need s to catch up with this concept. We are yet to come out of the hang over of the past and must try new corporate concepts. As they say " Change or Perish"!! So the sooner we do it, better it would be!!
